April 26, 2015

Coffee Outfit and Something to Tell You

Recently I've had one really interesting experience - I gave an interview to the newspaper! That was a university newspaper and I'm not sure whether I'll get a printed copy or not, but anyway that was such an honor for me!:) Thank you, Yana, for this opportunity:)
And I want to thank my every single reader! You can't even imagine how much it means to me. Whether you are here by chance or you were waiting for my new post, I'm so grateful to you! From the very bottom of my heart<3

And this time my traditional thanks for the photos go to my brother Artem!:) You did a great job!:) 

hat - stradivarius
biker jacket - pull&bear
jeans - new look
bag - cambridge satchel
sweater, shoes - second hand

Thanks for reading!
Love, Nastia!<3
I mean it:D


  1. Really cool!! I just love this outfit!! The hat is a perfect accessory!!


  2. Очень люблю такого плана и джинсы и свитера! Очень здоров получилось!) Приглашаю посетить и мой fashion blog - http://www.tailerofstyle.com буду рада видеть и взаимности)
