February 5, 2014

Keep Calm and Style On

I'm definitely not among those girls, who wear some piece of clothes only once!:) I think that the ability to style your clothes in a different way is more important than the amount of them you have in your wardrobe.
Of course, buying new stuff is always a great pleasure for every girl :) But, unfortunately, sometimes you can't afford that. In this case you just need to try different combinations of what you already have.

Here are some of the clothes that I wear probably most often:)

My lovely oversized coat. I'm already waiting for warm weather to wear it again!)

Pants of a color-that-I-cannot-define:D 

A simple black flared skirt. Must-have for everyone:)

My favorite carrot coat. Also oversized;)

And this jacket, one of my last buys. How could I live without it earlier?)

Have a nice day and always be inspired!<3


  1. Hello:)
    I've followed you via bloglovin' ;)

  2. Настя, Вы замечательная! Давно симпатизирует Ваш стиль)
    Все образы отличные!

    Заходите в гости, буду очень рада)

    1. спасибо большое, Юля!)
      очень приятноoo)
      я регулярно захожу к Вам в гости, так как с недавних пор являюсь Вашим постоянным читателем:)
      у Вас отличное чувство стиля^^

  3. умение носить шапочки и шляпы - высший пилотаж))) очень нравятся образы)
